Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bed bug Climb Up Interceptor

This is an interesting device that is placed at the bottom of the bed legs or sofa and chair legs that act as a monitoring device, catching the bugs in a well. Talc powder is used to make the surface slippery enough that they can't escape. The Bedbug Climb Up Interceptor is getting some good press and is a useful tool in the arsenal of bed bug control.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

DDT and Bed Bugs

Once upon a time there was a chemical that worked on bed bugs called DDT which was banned in the US in 1972. DDT was first prepared in 1873 as a chlorinated organic insecticide. Although DDT was produced in 1873, it wasn't really used widely until around the time of World War 2 as a means of controlling mosquitoes and lice. With the help of DDT and organophosphates bedbugs became more of an occasional invader by the mid to late 1950's. Now...we are not so lucky. It would be great if the EPA would allow for some relaxed regulations to allow for a better insecticide product to be developed or make it less expensive to produce such a chemical. DDT was a dangerous and deadly chemical, but it was also extremely misused. We need a bigger boat.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bug Zip

Bedbugs can get into or onto just about anything at any point in time. Travel is one of the most common ways they get into your home. Now there is a product called bug zip that seals bed bugs out of your luggage and clothing when you travel. Bedbug travel tip number one. Get the bug zip before you travel and keep bed bug where they belong, out of your home.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bedbug Sprays and Products

Bedbug products that are used by professional exterminators include: